Cracking Hashes when you are Broke!
If you don’t have enough compute and don’t want to burn your GPU for too long, then this is the ultimate guide for you! The Guide is for domain hashes, but similarly you can use it for any type of hash.
This is how your user list is going to look like.
You can grep “SAINTDOMAIN” and save user entries to a list; as a lot of entries are going to be filled with computer name.
Clean the list with the below command to extract user hashes
cat hashes.txt | grep "domain here" | sed -e '/des-/d' -e '/aes256/d' -e '/aes128/d' > clean.txt
This will create a decent word-list based on the names of the users.
Part 1 — Hunting with Staff Names
# sh - outputs results to crack.txtecho What is the name of the file?
read filenamefirstname=$(cat $filename | cut -d . -f1)\n
lastname=$(cat $filename | cut -d . -f2)\n
allnames=$(cat $filename)
capfirstname=$(echo -e "$firstname\n" | sed 's/\w/\u&/' )
caplastname=$(echo -e "$lastname\n" | sed 's/\w/\u&/' )
first3=$(echo -e "$capfirstname\n" | cut -c 1-3 )
last3=$(echo -e "$caplastname\n" | cut -c 1-3 )
first5=$(echo -e "$capfirstname\n" | cut -c 1-5 )
last5=$(echo -e "$caplastname\n" | cut -c 1-5 )
capallnames=$(echo -e "$allnames\n" | sed 's/\w/\u&/')echo -e "$firstname\n" -e "$lastname\n" -e "$allnames\n" -e "$capfirstname" -e "$caplastname" -e "$first3" -e "$last3" -e "$first5" -e "$last5" -e "$capallnames" | sort | uniq > crack.txt
The first attempt with random rules generated with -g ( 2 minutes )
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 0 newlist.txt crack.txt -g 300000
Speed.#1………: 182.4 MH/s (1.30ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:64 Thr:64 Vec:1
Recovered……..: 22/1093 (2.01%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
It took approximately less than 2 minutes to finish all rules and get 27.
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 0 newlist.txt crack.txt -r rules\*
Recovered……..: 27/1093 (2.47%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Just 2.47% is recovered; we are not doing so good but these are still difficult passwords in about 5 minutes. It’s time to go a little more aggressive.
Total time for below command taken 4 mins, 9 secs
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 6 newlist.txt crack.txt ?1?2?2?d?d?d?d --custom-charset1="!@#$%_&" --custom-charset2="!@#$%&1234567890" -i --increment-max=21
Recovered……..: 51/1093 (4.67%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
This is not too bad considering the time we had to wait.
The second one is going to take you roughly 10 minutes. This is also not sooooo bad i believe.
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 6 newlist.txt crack.txt ?2?2?2?d?d?d?d --custom-charset1="!@#$%_&" --custom-charset2="!@#_$%&1234567890" -i --increment-max=21
Recovered……..: 76/1093 (6.95%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Well, a lot of users are reusing passwords. When i actually check into the lists it has already recovered passwords of 126 user accounts.
This is a real test of a results of a Telecom Provider in Maldives [fixed].
Part 2 — Hunting with brute force
It took less than 30 seconds to finish this
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 3 newlist.txt ?u?l?l?l?1?1?d?d?d --custom-charset1=!@#$_1234567809 -i --increment-max=21
Recovered……..: 88/1093 (8.05%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
This will take less than 20 seconds
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 3 newlist.txt ?u?l?l?1?1?1?d?d --custom-charset1=!@#$_1234567890 -i --increment-max=21
Recovered……..: 91/1093 (8.33%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Collect all your saved passwords and use it with mask attack.
hashcat64-m 1000 -a 6 newlist.txt passwords.txt ?1?1?d?d?d?d --custom-charset1=!@#$%_123567890 -i --increment-max=21
Recovered……..: 96/1093 (8.78%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
It will again take less than a minute to finish the below results
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 0 newlist.txt passwords.txt -r rules\*
Recovered……..: 99/1093 (9.06%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
In less than 20 minutes, I was able to crack 9.06% hashes which was about 239 user accounts.
You can use the company name for cracking. Try different combinations than what is mentioned here as i have put for example “Facebook” to hide the actual company name. This will take again less than 1 minute.
hashcat64.exe -m 1000 -a 3 newlist.txt --custom-charset4="!@#$%_1234567890" Facebook?4?4?4?4?4?4 -i --increment-max=22
Recovered……..: 103/1093 (9.42%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Part 3— Hunting with RockYou & Masks
hashcat64 -m 1000 -a 6 newlist.txt rockyou.txt --custom-charset1="!@#$%&_" --custom-charset2="!@#_1234567890" ?1?2?d?d?d?d?d?d -i --increment-max=22
Recovered……..: 132/1093 (12.08%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
This was a total of 298 user accounts cracked in less than 30 minutes and I canceled before the last one finished its result.